About Me

Hello and Assalamualikum!!!

I am Sahar. A twenty something inspired Pakistani mother blogger who has a penchant for writing, an unhealthy addiction to crime shows, passion for swimming, love for street food and Indian music, feels wanderlust all the time and has great aspiration to be a super mom of three naughty toddlers.

I am blessed to have a beautiful family. A husband (constant support system who bears all my tantrums with great patience), a daughter (mini me but a prettier version) and twin boys ( source of endless entertainment and reason for my insanity). Being the first born to my parents, I enjoy being bossy to my three innocent siblings and a confidante to my super cool parents. This is my little lagoon!

I dream of raising my kids as well-rounded individuals with a strong character, great values and amazing human beings by providing them a solid support and learning system at home. And most of all, I want them to be best friends. :)


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