Transition From A Working Mom to A Stay at Home Mom

Few years back, when I was single, still remember, how career focused I used to be, with a lot of ambitions and plans to learn and excel in my field. Never thinking of what the future would really hold for me. Before completing my degree, I luckily secured  a job in the Human Resource Department at a leading hospital of the country. I absolutely loved my job and workplace because I was handling a lot of projects and recruitment activities independently. The feeling of being empowered and appreciated was great.

I got married 6 months later and gave birth to my daughter a year and half later. I continued working but didn't go for the day care option (that's another debate). Instead I had the options to leave her with my mom or mother-in-law. So we went for the second option with mutual consensus. After my maternal leave of 3 month, I worked as a part timer in the same role for about a month before getting back to the normal routine. She was almost 4 months when I resumed working on a full-time basis. My supervisors were kind and cooperative enough to allow me to visit home daily during the lunch hours.

 Deciding to follow this model after I rejoin was a big challenge and question mark. I felt I was being judged all the time, by myself, by other moms and the society overall. I was surrounded by mothers who never chose to work before or after marriage, their belief brought the guilt and anxiety in me which was reflexive. There was a strange feeling that used to hurt my ego, may be I was missing out on something.

Despite of this leverage I used to find it difficult to leave her back home, I used to keep a track of time and wonder what would she be doing every minute. I used to come home during the lunch breaks, feed and give her a bath, then rush back to office in great distress as there was always someone waiting on my desk. Moreover, the insane traffic scenario of the city would boil my blood. Gosh... I used to drive like a maniac!

It wasn't that long when I got to know that the second one was on the way so I started planning my options accordingly. Soon I discovered that it's not just one, twins are on the way. Wow! That was big. All confusions ended at the same moment and I spontaneously decided to make the transition.

It's been more than a year when I quit and opted to become a stay-at-home mom. I have absolutely no regrets and I love being there for my kids all the time. Totally loving and enjoying it with no regrets at all. As far as career is concerned it's hopefully going to get back on track in the near future but may be not on a full time basis but something that suits me with the family.


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