Role of International Exchange Programs and My Experience

 It all started when I received an email stating that I have been selected as the Principal candidate for an Exchange Program to the United States of America for a Summer Program to the University of Massachusetts. I did not know what this program was really about and how it would become a life changing experience for me. It was a journey of self discovery and personal growth filled with unforgettable memories. The whole experience was absolutely fantastic and the best thing was the change and development in my personality. So before sharing my experience I would like to focus and encourage the readers to understand the importance of exchange cultural programs and their impact on a student's life and personality.

-Gives participants a broader view of the world and a deeper understanding of themselves
- Develops leadership and communication skills in youth
- Advances international understanding and world peace
- Provides young people with the opportunity to experience cultures other than their own
- Greater awareness of one's own national identity
- Clearer understanding of one's career goals
- Building of interpersonal skills and creating new life long relationships

My Program enabled me to:
- Gain self-development and awareness leading to enhanced self-confidence and self-esteem
- Enhance interest in global issues as well as a broader general knowledge
- Develop my leadership styles and prepared me for civic involvement and conflict resolution.
- Build critical skills such as team work, communication, creativity, networking, and project planning
- Most classes were based on group work, case studies and student-teacher discussions
-Gain tremendous sense of accomplishment upon completion which encouraged me to develop independent opinions, make informed decisions and strive to attain fresh goals
-Taught how things happen -- or don't happen -- in our respective countries.
- Learned different ways of doing things, new ways of thinking about problems and solutions, about another group of people and about ourselves.

Closing Ceremony and Certificate Distribution at the State Department of USA, Washington D.C.

Program Content:

This Summer Course was a 6 weeks program (4 weeks on campus at University of Massachussetts, Amherst and a study tour for 2 weeks in the East Coast). We were 25 participants selected from different parts of the country to represent Pakistan. The name of the course was "Study on Comparative Public Policy." We attended classes at UMass, Amherst with American students in the first 4 weeks consisting of different activities planned for the entire program.

1. A Simulation of American Congressional Campaign


We gained a solid understanding of how congressional elections are conducted and what determines who wins and loses these contests. By "playing along" with the election, we learnt to choose among different strategic options for the campaigns. We were engaged in the game, fostering learning and retention. Though we cannot really implement alot of things to our system but the learning was worth to understand how the whole campaign is run in the USA.

2. Food Drive for the Western Food Bank of Massachussetts

This activity was a lot of fun where we sat outside Walmart for hours and asked the customers to donate food for the food bank of the State. The response was amazing, it was great to see the support that people show in such drives and donations. After the collection we visited the food bank and handed them all the stuff  and cash we collected from the drive. This was a new idea for all of us. We were exhilarated to see such staunch system of preserving, storing and sending the food across to the deprived and under privileged. 

The rest of the program was all about fun, excitement, travel, socializing, exploring and most of all learning everything new that came across the way. I am sharing a few pictures to give you a glimpse of this trip.

The 4th July Parade- National Independence Day. The vibrant and high-spirited annual event consisting of invited bands, military units, floats and guests. 
Last lecture at UMass before departing for the 2 weeks tour to other parts of the USA.

15 seconds of fame appearing on the billboards at Times Square, New York City.
The Ropes Course in one of the hilly areas of Massachussetts. A great display of personal development and team building activities. It was so much fun!

Meeting the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational & Cultural Affairs at the State Department, Washington D.C

Hosted a Pakistani Dinner for our American friends/ classmates.The menu had Daal, vegetables in desi style, Chicken Biryani and Chicken Karhai. For most of us it was the first attempt at cooking and voila! It was successful. But we ended up putting a lot of spices.
Home visit to an American family where we experienced their lifestyle and habits. They were kind enough to cook Halal food for us and let us use their swimming pool. We were delighted to meet the family and their hospitable nature.
Closing Ceremony at our dorm at UMass before we departed for the study tour.

Visit to The Wall Street, New York City
Being on this program was a great experience. I made good friends from USA and different parts of Pakistan and the best thing is that despite of being in different parts of the world we are still connected through the Pakistan US Alumni Network. I am always excited to share my experience and guide students who would really want to have a similar experience because it is totally worth it.
